Post Magistral Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PMDCP)
This program offers extensive training, and an organized plan of study with the aim of providing professional clinical psychologist all over Pakistan. The curriculum includes not only advanced courses in Clinical Psychology, but also other related areas of clinical psychology. The program also offers a good understanding of research, as well as data handling and analysis. This program provides closely supervised internship experience to enable the students utilize their skills independently and productively in the field.
Masters of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy (M. Phil / PHD)
Our Program offers students a plan of study leading to an M.Phil degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on clinical research, psychological assessment and psychotherapy. This program is based upon advanced courses in clinical psychology coupled with electives that address various aspects of psychology and the psychosocial consequences of mental disorders in Children and adults. This program provides closely supervised internship experience to enable the students utilize their skills independently and productively in the field. Along with the extensive clinical training and education resulting in expertise in the field of psychotherapy and psycho-diagnosis, the program have major emphasis on producing highly skilled researchers in order to enhance the standard of research specifically in social sciences. This program focuses on development and refinement of leadership skills, as well as has ambition to produce scholars who can further supervise and impart the knowledge to next generation in their respective areas. Our Program offers students to choose a specialized line of research supervised by a faculty member. The further one year course work of intensive internship after getting 3 CGPA in M. Phil course work will lead to the submission of PhD research proposals and eventually lead to the PhD degree after thesis submission and its evaluation by experts form advanced countries and viva and defense. The highly skilled PhD graduate can utilize their skills in academics, research and clinical field with a quality blend of all these skill.
Diploma in Rehabilitation of Childhood Disorders
This program offers extensive training, and an organized plan of study with the aim of providing skills to the people with special education and psychology background from all over Pakistan, regarding rehabilitation of child hood disorder. The curriculum includes not only advanced courses in Clinical Psychology, like psycho diagnosis and disability assessment, parental counseling, education of special children, but also with speech and language therapies, rehabilitation. This program provides closely supervised internship experience to enable the students utilize their skills independently and productively in the field.
Diploma in Complimentary Therapies: Hypnosis &Neurolingusitic Programming
This programs offers an organized plan of study for professional clinical psychologists to study two modern approaches to treatment of mental disorders thus to enrich their practices with the blend of new and common approaches used in the field. The program offers a series of practical demonstrations as well as extensive training in hypnosis and NLP as well as provide best skills of presentation and self grooming. The trained individuals can also apply for international certification as the trainers are the registered trainers with international organizations of hypnosis and NLP.